Monday, June 18, 2007

Astrakhan the day that wasn't

Today is Monday and we awoke thinking we would go to meet the Ministery of Education, but it was postponed until tomorow. In stead we went to a bank, to exchange money. Here is the transcript:
Teller: blah blah blah blah
Us: We need exchange oh moneyski?
Teller: blah blah blah (shaking head)
Us: We exchange el de pesos, spaseba um rubals
Bank goes from noisy and to silent
Teller: (shakes head and points away)
Lady behind us: Blah Blah (pokes us with cane)

So then we went to the super market in search of a bottle of water.

Here is the transcript:
Girl stocking shelves: blah blah
Me: water no (make sound of carbination)
Girl: da (points to bottle)

We then head bakc to hotel.
We are trying not to be discouraged but covet your prayers


mother said...

Jonah do not get discouraged. Paul writes Philippians--the book of joy--from prison! I know it's hard to be in such a strange place, but do not get discouraged, that's a lack of sleep talking. God sent you both on this mission to get your daughter. Someday you'll think--we could have missed you--we could have missed knowing you--as you hold her. The Lord has brought you there for His purposes. You can rest in that. We're called to peace. You can know peace there. God wants to use both of you in your daughter's life. You're appointed to this. Don't be discouraged. It's a short trip. Tomorrow the Holy Spirit will give you what to say. You won't have to be wise on your own hook. Rest in the Holy Spirit. At the appointed time you will know what to do, and Andi will know what to do. God will open these doors. Our God is a very present help in trouble.
Love to you both

Stevyn said...

Good Morning! I assume you are sleeping right now and will read this when you wake up. I have to say that I don't know who makes me laugh harder - Jonah or "mother" :)

I feel totally out of touch with what you guys are experiencing, but this blog helps a little. I am realizing that I know nothing about Russia except what I saw on Harrison Ford's movie "Airforce One." Needless to say, I'm a little scared of Russians. Mom, Dad, Troy, and I were sitting around yesterday trying to see if we even know of one Russian dish. Dad said "beets." Mom said something that sounded like "brgoshch" and Dad said, "that's got beets in it."

Well, we are here dealing with a baby that won't sleep and keeps spitting his babyfood back at me. Troy still says, "Why did they go to Russia to adopt a child when they could have had Silas?"

We can't wait to hear more news tomorrow. I pray that God will bless your interview....

Den Hanabarger said...

Hey Andi and Jonah,
Our thoughts and prayers have been with you these past few days, and considering how difficult it sounds like your trip has been so far, it's no wonder the Holy Spirit keeps prompting us to pray for you! It's easy for us to be so excited for you and say cliche things like, "this will all seem like a distant memory someday" and "it will be so worth it when you meet your daughter" etc. when we are here and you are alone there! But we know you are not alone, you are walking in God's purpose and plan for you and your daughter, and have every confidence He will sustain you and meet you in the discouraging times. Thanks for keeping us all up to date and hope you have a much better day tomorrow! Love, Den and Sarah

Den Hanabarger said...

P.S. On a completely different note, Den shaved his head last week....just thought Jonah would find that amusing! Sarah

Ellen Singh said...

Hi Copers!

This is the third time I've attempted to send you my email message. Sorry there has been a delay in communicating with you. Rest assured that you have been in our thoughts and prayers all the while you've been traveling. Love your "blog notes" which, as usual, makes us chuckle. Sounds like you are doing pretty well in the challenging parts of this type of trip. Wow, brings back memories!!
We will continue to pray for peace for you both and can't wait to learn more from you about your little sunshine. :) We love you!
