Sunday, June 17, 2007

Moscow, June 17

We are writing from CHI Moscow headquarters. Our Holiday Inn Hotel was extremely nice, and very american. Last night (Sat) we slept for 10 hours, and today feel some what normal. The flight from Atlanta to Moscow was MISERABLE. Ten hours of small seats, constant shifting, and trying to wake up appendages that have fallen asleep. Last night we went for a walk and to find something to eat. We found a chicken restaurant (KFC) and they didn't speak english! We had to point and grunt and watch them roll their eyes, and listen to the people behind use mumble something like, "Stupidski Americanski" what ever that means.

This morning we woke, went to breakfast, and saw a buffet that had some items that were left from an episode of Fear Factor, not really. We went for another walk and then checked out of our hotel. We are now being briefed on Astrakhan and then will fly there at 4:30pm. We hear the planes our old military planes converted for public use, sounds fun. We met a couple that is picking up their son from Astrakhan. They flew out yesterday and we hope to see them at the hotel so we can talk to people again. Our CHI driver speaks english well, and had us laughing about his love for Elvis. Driving here is horrible. There must be a prize for how many times you honk in one trip, and for hitting other cars and scaring perdestrians. Love you all. We've really enjoyed reading your comments. Thanks for keeping us up to date! Write you soon...


Mom Marie said...

Kentucky Fried Chicken in Russian just doesn't compute. Then again niether does a funny Russian cab driver who loves Elvis. Does he look like Troy?
We floated the trampoline yesterday. Your Mom and I swam and played for a little while. Kids will have a great time with it.
Our first experience of flying overseas was similar to yours but on a Jones trip to Austria. Can you imagine starting a vacation with 24 hours of planes, terminals and taxis? I think it is part of the reason I didn't look forward to other exotic trips offered later on. But I am a whimp.
Always remember to avoid any military planes headed for Siberia. People don't come b ack from there.
So.....which is worse.... traveling to Russia or child birth???
Marie and I think about and pray about you often. Hope you have some fun in between the pressure and worries. Maybe lots of "Sunshine" is in your future.

Dad, Dave

Nonaen said...

Jonah I'm sorry, but you know that you have ordered food by grunting and pointing before!! Anyway, I am so glad that you guys are safe and I hope that you enjoy as much of this time as possible. How are you doing with the time change? That has to be hard. Don't worry about Caleb as he is rapidly mastering the Wi!! Fin has found the burn barrel and has made a nice little (OK it's not so little) pile of junk in the front yard, so he is having a blast also. We check our computer often looking for the update so keep us posted (you know how I have to know everything)and stay safe. Love, Nona

Mom Marie said...
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