Sunday, August 5, 2007

THE JET LAG STRKES BACK (return to Russia)

We sit in Lambert International Airport and sip 10$ waters, and try to prepare for this trip, again. We leave St.Louis at 10am (today is Sunday) and fly to Atlanta, then the long torture to Moscow. Leaving Little Moo was no easy task. He, of course, is all smiles, anxious to get on with the party. We, on the other hand, are crying like babies , calling for our mommies, and sucking our thumbs. Yesterday we stayed home and tried to have a normal day. Caleb and daddy played army, wrestle and napping soldiers, a game I’m trying to get Caleb into, it goes like this:

Daddy: Alright Soldiers lets take a nap
Caleb: A nap? No lets keep fighting
Daddy: No it’s nap time and that’s an order!
Caleb: Let’s play something else.
Daddy: That’s it private! You’re court marshalled.

We learned Friday that we may be expected to stay in Astrakhan three extra days. Astrakhan has changed their passport processing, which could cause a delay. We are praying for the 10-day waiting period to be wiaved or shortened, for Lilia’s passport to get processed on time to return on the 31st, and for God to soften hearts in the court, etc before we arrive.
Pray for us

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