Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Leaving for Astrakhan

We leave at 2:00pm to head to Astrakhan. We spent our morning doing nothing but wait to hear what the plans were for transportation to the airport. Got some good laughs at Cabe's descriptions. You know, he can sit and read a book or just BE. He would never agree to that, but I've witnessed it before! Gotta go check out.


Stevyn said...

It's 7:30pm here in Caleb's world. He doesn't want to write anything to you, so I am doing it for him. We just did a test after reading your post. You are right, he can sit an BE...for about 3 minutes. Then he got up and started picking up Silas' toys. You know he was desparate if he was doing that. Right before we read your post, he bit Uncle Troy's hand and when Troy "cried", Caleb said "At least you didn't get bit again. Daddy gets bit all the time." Caleb has been great with Silas. He plays with him on the floor and Silas is in awe over him. He likes to hug Caleb's head and try to bite his nose and cheeks off. Tomorrow we are going back to the pool because I have never been there before. Caleb swam in the lake today with the 4 dogs. Bailey likes to be splashed in the face, so Caleb has fun playing with her as she bites at the water. The only problem is that Caleb doesn't like to take a bath in the evenings after swimming in the lake. I threatened to chase him around the yard with the garden hose and he said he would just get in the golf cart and go "nearrroommmmmm" (that's my attempt to put his sound effects into words). :) More later.....

Mom Marie said...

Caleb just got up and was so excited when I told him that he and Papa caught another opossum in their trap! It seems it is 'possums, not raccoons that are eating the garden. they relocated one yesterday by taking the ranger to the far boundary of our property and letting it go.

Caleb just told me that he is tired and that WE have been wearing HIM out! Can you believe that?

He wants me to tell you about the catfish he caught last night. He said it was so strong that his bobber came off and he couldn't reel it in. He had to have Papa help him get it to shore.

Jody Saso said...

Hi Andi and Jonah,
Hope you don't mind that Stevyn passed along your blog to me. I am thinking of you often and praying for you constantly. I printed off your blog so I would have something to read during my long meeting yesterday, and ended up in tears... no one else thought the meeting was that interesting! :-)

You are in my thoughts and prayers! Can't wait to meet Lilia. She is very close to my Maria's age, so we will have to play once she is settled in!

Smiles across the miles,
Jody Saso